
Toddlers can never have too many picture books, and illustrations should be on every page with very little text, if any. Nursery rhymes, counting books, ABC books, picture books, wordless books, song books, finger play and board books are excellent. It might be a wise idea to purchase these books due to the wear and tear on them.

Children under two years of age tend to be confused by a different book every day. They love favorites read over and over.

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Red Hat


A Classic is the rare book that has a special element, which enables it to endure the test of time and appeal to children from every generation. It stands out because it has the ability to touch the heart and cross the boundaries of culture, nationality, religion, race, gender, and status. We recommend the following classics for toddlers that have endured over the years:

The ABC Bunny
Angus and the Cat
The Arnold Lobel Book of Mother Goose
Ask Mr. Bear
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?
Chica Chica Boom Boom
Each Peach Pear Plum
Fish Eyes
Freight Train
Goodnight Moon
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Mr. Very First Mother Goose
Pat the Bunny
The Rainbow Fish
The Runaway Bunny
The Tall Book of Mother Goose
Ten, Nine, Eight
The Three Little Kittens
Tomie's Mother Goose Flies Again
The Very Hungry Catepillar